Science Organizations. Programs. Reports.

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The IRIS DMC archives and distributes data to support the seismological research community. Our state–of–the–art data center is located near the University of Washington in Seattle. Learn more about the DMC facility, the work that we do and the people that work here. We welcome your feedback.

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The Global Seismographic Network (GSN) is a 150+ station, globally distributed, state-of-the-art digital seismic network that provides free, realtime, open access data through the IRIS DMC. The map above shows the distribution of the current station network with respect to network operations.
The Global Seismographic Network is a cooperative partnership between IRIS and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), coordinated with the international community, to install and operate a global, multi-use scientific facility as a societal resource for Earth observations, monitoring, research, and education. The stations of the GSN attempt to obtain the best possible recording capability, balanced with global geographic coverage. GSN instrumentation measures and records with high fidelity all seismic vibrations possible from high-frequency, strong ground motions near an earthquake to the slowest global Earth oscillations excited by great earthquakes. Seismology has been the primary focus in the creation of the GSN, but the infrastructure is inherently multi-use and can be extended to other disciplines. Several GSN stations currently incorporate microbarographs, GPS, Geomag, and Meteorological packages.

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ORFEUS is the non-profit foundation to coordinate and promote digital, broadband seismology in the European-Mediterranean area.
EIDA is the European Integrated Data Archive infrastructure within ORFEUS to provide access to seismic waveform data in European archives.

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To monitor earthquake and volcanic activity across the Pacific Northwest, the University of Washington and the University of Oregon cooperatively operate the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN). The PNSN is sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the U.S. Department of Energy, the State of Washington, and the State of Oregon. Beginning in 1969 with five seismometers, the PNSN has grown to more than 300 seismograph stations distributed across the region and become the second largest seismic network in the United States. The PNSN is an organization dedicated to reducing impacts of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the states of Washington and Oregon by providing accurate and fast information about earthquakes and ground motions to scientists, engineers, planners, and the public.

Our headquarters is at the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington. However, we have offices and personnel in several locations in the region, seismic stations spread far and wide over the two states, and deep collaborations with other institutions inside and outside of Cascadia that make it a bit of a challenge to define sharply our organizational boundaries.

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The Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich is the federal agency for earthquakes. Its activities are integrated in the federal action plan for earthquake precaution.

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