The scientific excellence at the USGS is due to more than excellent scientists. Behind the field research and mapmaking is the Science Support team. The Science Support team aids USGS science by budgeting necessary funds for research, communicating the actions of our scientists to the public, verifying the validity and quality of our science, and providing essential resources for/
Core Science Systems (CSS) leads USGS’s mission as the civilian mapping agency for the Nation. We conduct detailed surveys and develop high quality, highly accurate topographic, geologic, hydrographic, and biogeographic maps and data. Our maps allow precise planning for critical mineral assessments; energy development; infrastructure projects; urban planning; flood prediction; emergency response; and haz
Science support news
– Landsat Missions (LM) News;
– 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) News;
– Coastal Changes and Impacts (CCI) News;
– Emergency Operations Portal (EOP) News;
– EROS CalVal Center of Excellence (ECCOE) News;
– Fire Danger Forecast (FDF) News;
– Geological Materials Repository (GMR) News;
– National Digital Trails (NDT) News;
– National Geospatial Technical Operations Center News;
– National Hydrography (NG)News;
– NGP Standards and Specifications (NGPSS) News;
– Office of Science Quality and Integrity (OSQI) News;
– The National Map Corps (NMC) News;
– Youth and Education in Science (YES) News.