USGS Floods News


USGS News: Floods
USGS News: Floods


The scarcity or overabundance of water presents some of the most dangerous, damaging and costly threats to human life, ecosystems and property in the form of drought, floods and debris flows. A new rapid deployment U.S. Geological Survey flood warning gage has been installed in Pack Creek, 9 miles southeast of Moab, Utah, below the June 2021 wildfire burn area. U.S. Geological Survey field crews are measuring record flooding on the Tittabawassee River in Midland, Michigan, following a heavy rainfall event. During large, short-term floods, the USGS collects additional data to help document these high-water events. This data is uploaded to the USGS Short-Term Network (STN) for long-term archival, and served out to the public through the USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) which provides convenient, map-based access to storm-surge and other event-based data.

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